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A prominent, deep and narrow radiator was surrounded by a polished nickel radiator shell and flanked by chrome plated, two beam acorn headlamps. A porcelain Erskine badge blue ground with two white four leaf clovers and Erskine written in white block letters further highlighted the radiator. The central portion of the hood had an embossed, pennant shaped panel that started at the peak of the radiator and widened toward the cowl. The pennant portion was finished in a contrasting color. On either side of the central hood portion were louvered side hood panels. The car's distinctive trim line crossed the cowl and continued beneath the side windows, wrapping around the rear. Its rear roof line was rounded slightly. There were narrow steel windshield pillars, eliminating the usual blind spot. The windows were long and narrow. The fenders, made of heavy gauge sheet metal, were fully crowned, and flowed seamlessly into the running boards. Stylish Stewart Warner bumpers appeared front and rear.

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While negative studies gather dust in academic journals, their positive counterparts, often commissioned by the workshop, are faxed to a sympathetic, deadline harried press and duly, sometimes literally, repeated. Yet many of those positive studies leave one with the feeling that experts ought to be spending more time with children actually watching the show. One especially egregious example claims the show offers a good means of encouraging vocabulary development because "the dialogue on Sesame Street closely resembles that of a mother talking to her child. " Like what?"You know you're heavy, baby, and I'm light"?Given closer scrutiny, two of the studies that CTW most frequently touts similarly hint at advocacy masquerading as social science. The Educational Testing Service ETS, hired by the workshop early on and present at some initial planning sessions, supposedly demonstrated significant gains among viewers in a number of basic skills such as counting and naming letters and numbers. But a later Russell Sage Foundation review of the ETS data, under the direction of Northwestern University psychologist Thomas Cook, threw cold water on these results.
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