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These devices were often operated by using the accelerator or brake pedal actuated switches causing the various lights in the car to go on or off. Other devices had means for causing an intensification of the brightness in the rear brake lights, to warn following vehicles that the driver has depressed the brakes of his vehicle. Due to the number of lights on the rear of the vehicle, the increase in the intensity of the brake lights when the brakes were applied was not very noticeable, particularly in hazy of foggy weather or when approaching vehicles to the rear were driving into the sun. More recently an additional red light has been mounted at eye level on the rear window of some new cars, but this light is not much of an improvement over the lights on lower rear of these cars for the same reason. One approach, as exemplified by the patent to Antunovic 3,375,496, discloses a deceleration indicator for motor vehicles which is mounted on the rear of the vehicle, and like other devices, indicates when the driver has taken his foot off the accelerator. Another approach, as indicated by the patent to Knopf 3,787,808, provides lights which indicate when the driver of the vehicle has taken his foot off the accelerator, and other lights indicate when the driver of the vehicle has pressed the brake pedal. In addition he has illuminated legends under the lights so that operators of approaching motor vehicles in the rear can read English, they can determine the intention of the driver. Another approach as indicated by the patent to Doerr, 4,470,036, utilizes separate lights mounted on the rear window which indicate when the driver of the vehicles has taken his foot off the accelerator pedal, and when the accelerator pedal is being pressed. When the gas pedal is being pressed, a green light comes on, and when the brake pedal is being pressed a red light comes on. The sequence of lights is controlled by means of an accelerometer. The patent to Camp 4,280,116 discloses another approach to a signaling system for vehicles.

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In 1949 the basis of football reportages was laid on the radio. The first reportage was realized by sports observer Alexandr Gnezdov. It was only 7 years later, in 1956, when the football game from the Republican stadium was, for the first time, commented in the Azerbaijani language by Sabutay Guliyev. In 1956 the 30th anniversary of Azerbaijan Radio was celebrated. By that time, 19 hours of broadcasts in Azerbaijani, Russian and Armenian were broadcasted every day from Baku. Among radio broadcasts the preference was given to socio political, literary, musical, industrial, agricultural, children and youth programmes. Every day 12 15 concert programmes sounded on the air. With the beginning of the television activity since 1956, the radio has had to compete with it. Radio has enriched its fund with means of folk and songs of composers, as well as literary works. During this period, Said Rustamov was leading the folk instruments orchestra, such composers as Haji Khanmammadov, Gambar Huseynli, Nariman Azimov cooperated with this orchestra. In the mid 60s the appearance of chamber and variety orchestra on the radio and television and Gaya vocal quartet expanded radio capabilities for folk, variety, and symphonic music distribution.
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However, for a while, these educational developments affected only the Jewish bourgeoisie and intelligentsia. The wide masses remained faithful to their cheders and yeshivas, as the Russian elementary school offered nothing in the way of privileges. The Jewish masses remained in isolation as before due to specific conditions of their internal and outside life. Propagation of modern universal culture was extremely slow and new things took root with great difficulty among the masses of people living in shtetls and towns of the Pale of Settlement in the atmosphere of very strict religious traditions and discipline. Concentrated within the Pale of Settlement, the Jewish masses felt no need for the Russian language in their daily lives. As before, the masses were still confined to the familiar hold of the primitive cheder education.
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e. the salvestrol gets oxidised and releases energy and ATP for the cells metabolic requirements. This combustion process changes the structure of the salvestrol so that it now fits the death switch and the cells are instructed to undergo apoptosis and die. So their is no resistance to this natural mechanism. Its on a dead mans trip switch that cannot fail. It has never failed in the evolution of humanity. Mammalian life would not exist without this organisational death switch intact. We would all just be a bundle of tumours if this did not work. Its when it does not work that actually gives rise to tumours. Its when there are insufficient salvestrols in the diet that it fails completely, and the low levels are just food for the tumours. So I let people make their own minds up about taking them.
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medRxiv DOIs assigned prior to December 11, 2019, have a simple eight digit suffix, whereas those assigned after this date will also include the date stamp for the day of submission approval see below. Revised versions of manuscripts retain the same DOI assigned to the first version. If there are multiple versions of the preprint and you wish to cite a specific version, you can do so by adding the version specific URL. Example: doi: 10. 1101/2019. 12. Novel Matrix Metalloproteinases, Implications in Metamorphosis andMetastasis. Honn. 13. Biochemical Characterization of Collagenases, Potential Roles inDevelopment and Cancer. Mary Hendrix, Professor and Head.