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Retrieved from udjiastuti, E. 2012. Hubungan Self Efficacy dengan Perilaku Mencontek Mahasiswa Psikologi. MIMBAR, Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan, 281, 103 111. Pujiatni, K. , and Lestari, L. 2010. Studi Kualitatif Pengalaman Menyontek pada Mahasiswa. Jurnal Penelitian Humaniora, 112, 103 110. Rakovski, C. C.
Butte College Course Catalog
Since the two blind students at Purdue were different types of learners, one auditory and the other tactile oriented, a general strategy to service both was desperately needed. The solution to this problem, which was produced by the VISIONS Lab during its initial development stages, was to develop a software program that would translate mathematical and scientific equations into a format appropriate to blind students. The initial approach was to convert the equations into the standard Nemeth Braille code for mathematics; later, modifications were made to allow speech output of the equations this is still in development. The program is available on the VISIONS Lab homepage at and is freeware, together with a manual explaining its use. Also available is a tutorial manual to the Nemeth code, that follows most example equations in the Nemeth Braille Code for Science and Mathematics, 1972 rev. , and translates it into Braille using the program. The program was created as a giant macro for WordPerfect for Windows version 6. 0 or 6. 1 and produces all output in proper Nemeth Braille code. This allows the various secretaries at Purdue who type materials for the Calculus courses to submit the tests in electronic format to the VISIONS Lab. The secretaries must follow a few simple typing conventions when creating the documents, but these conventions in no way prevent the final document from being used by BOTH sighted and blind students.
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Cows also have their tails docked for what factory farmers call "hygiene" and "milk quality" reasons as well as their horn buds burned off with no pain killers. When video footage depicting both procedures at Willet Dairy in New York state aired on ABC's Nightline, there were calls for laws against the cavalier cruelty. Debeaking, tail docking and horn bud burning are not factory farming's only mutilations. Animals also endure "dubbing," the removal of combs on birds, detoeing and declawing, and mulesing the removal of a sheep's hindquarter skin. If veterinarians practiced the same procedures on pets without pain killers, they would lose their licenses and face criminal charges. Martha Rosenberg is an investigative journalist covering the food, drug and gun industries.
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Camp talked about the idea incessantly, including at Mr. Kalanicks townhouse, nicknamed the Jam Pad. Entrepreneurs frequently stopped by to brainstorm there, and the house even had its own Twitter account, controlled by Mr. Kalanick. UberCab, as it was called at the time, started its service in San Francisco in May 2010. Mr. Antonellis said that it is not the owner's intent to operate a restaurant. He said the clubhouse would be open during golf season and closed from Dec. 1 to March 15. The clubhouse function room would be used for golf related functions such as tournaments and fund raisers, and might be used for weddings during golf season. Building Inspector Ronald P.