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It will be a book on Swami Vivekanda for young adults, M A Sikander, Director NBT said here today OTTAWA Four major publishers of electronic books have signed an agreement with the Competition Bureau that is expected to lower prices for consumers by 20 per cent or more. The publishers have agreed to scrap clauses in their distribution contracts that keep ebook retailers from offering discounts. The agreement follows an 18 month investigation into the ebook industry by the federal agency. The bureau says the previous practice of banning discounts effectively reduced competition At least 90% of books on e readers are acquired for free through illegal downloads or from friends, according to research agency GfK. There are 1. 1 million e readers in the Netherlands each containing an average of 117 books, of which 11 have been paid for, the GfK research shows. This means e books account for just 4. 5% of the total Dutch book market when that figure should be much higher. Manhattan: Apple Inc. faces as much as $840 million in state and consumer antitrust claims related to electronic book deals with publishers that led to a US lawsuit and court ordered monitor. State attorneys general and consumers who sued the worlds most valuable technology company over its e book pricing are seeking $280 million in damages and want that amount tripled, a lawyer for them said in a filing on Friday with the federal judge in Manhattan who presided over the US case against Apple.
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In addition, since unlimited production has made possible the inexpensive, throwaway object, convenience has become an overriding social value thereby giving rise to an economics of disposability. As a consequence, we now have containers marred by advertisements and landscapes dotted with overflowing landfills. What does it mean to live in such a world, one in which limits and boundaries have been reconfigured, even distorted?This is a world in which former notions of social grace, civility, and even frugality that were embodied in the handmade object have been reconfigured around consumption and waste in the name of an economy of individual comfort. Is our fondness for things quick and convenientan attitude now deeply ingrained in contemporary behaviordegrading both the quality of the objects we use and the rituals that sustain social life?In other words, in a grab and go society like ours, dominated as it is by a culture based on convenience, are the objects we use helping to structure our lives in meaningful ways or are they propelling us toward the amorphous?It seems to us that, in response to such a situation, it is not just a question of returning thoughts and feelings to objects heirlooms and souvenirs already do this but of creating objects with aesthetic qualities, qualities that will engender thoughts and feelings of a deeper, more profound nature. Howard Risatti and Steven Glass We would like to extend special thanks to Gary Freeburg and his staff for their careful and thoughtful installation and to all of the lenders. Likewise to James Madison University media services for their help in the video production and to the JMU students whose actions were featured in the videos. What is the relationship between bodily comfort, social etiquette, and high style?Have personal comfort and the demands of high style transformed what was once considered proper social etiquette?1. Sam Maloof 1916 2009, Rocking Chair, 1990, approx 48" x 22" x 36"; handmade of wood to carefully fit and support the human body in all its types, from large to small, tall to short, and skinny to plump. Collection of Randall and Carol Edmonson. 2. Designer unknown, Folding chair, c.
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Cassini dressed numerous stars creating some of the most memorable moments in international fashion and film. Oleg Cassinis designs for the First Lady, The Jackie Look are recognized as being the single biggest fashion influence in history by film costume designer, Edith Head. Cassinis contemporary designs such as the A line, Sheath and the Empire Strapless continue to remain influential and predominant today. Beautifully sewn I decided to see what I could find about these wonderfully made items. A style in the 50s was matching dresses and coats. Apparently you could actually draw out what you wanted and have it created in a a few days!Custom tailoring is also very popular and affordable in Hong Kong. You can draw out your own design for clothing and have it made in a few days. Although there are many Tailors in Hong Kong it is a profession in relative decline. Here are a some of the interesting articles I found about Hong Kong tailors. Bognor Regis, crazy weather, ctmercantile, ctmercantile blog, Engliand, Environment Agency, Felpham, June, mail, Met Office, oklahoma, online shop, Pacific Northwest, Rain, shirt, summer, summer weather, Sussex, UK summer, unique vintage blog, vintage shirt, West Sussex, WinchfieldThe weather is wild and varied this summer. My friend Margie, working in Oklahoma for 6 months, has been basking in 118 degrees!She says you dont go out after 10 am or before 8 pm.