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Allison, a 1st Grade Teacher in Bartlett, Illinois knows that learning and play go hand in hand. Heres her Out of the Box idea for getting kids excited about math. At the end of each school year, I create an Outdoor Math Scavenger Hunt for my students. I offer my students a list of playground inspired math questions Ive prepared, then take them to the playground so they can see and touch math in actionand record answers to my questions. My list of questions might include items such as:Tip: Adjust the learning by offering students questions representing different levels of difficulty. Also, if you use a digital camera to take photos of the playground things and places you investigate, bind these and students corresponding math discoveries into a class book. The great outdoors is often the best place for learning!At the end of the school year we begin learning multiplication. I give each student a piece of sidewalk chalk, a clipboard, and a page of directions. Once outside, each student finds a sidewalk square to work in. We also take walking trips around the building to hunt for 2 D and 3 D shapes and record them in our shape booklets. Many times simple is best.

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Aside from China, the worlds leading rising powers Brazil, India, Indonesia, and Turkey are all democracies. These four have yet to fully embrace the existing order, reject it, or offer a detailed alternative. All bring considerable capability and legitimacy to any international endeavor. If the United States can successfully enlarge the orders current circle of supporters beyond its longtime democratic allies in Europe and Asia to include these global swing states, todays power shift will not culminate in the end of the Western world. Rather, the United States can realize an adapted and renewed international system that enshrines the principles and practices that have enabled the current order to benefit the West and also the rising rest. Over the next two decades, the relative power of major international actors will shift markedly.
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Hargittai, E. and Hinnant, A. 2008 Digital inequality differences in young adults use of the internet, Communication Research 35 5 pp. 602621. 5. Hargittai, E. and Hinnant, A. 2008 Digital inequality differences in young adults use of the internet, Communication Research 35 5 pp. 602621. 5. Hargittai, E.
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She explained how difficult it was for her to pay $4,965. 60 out of pocket for diagnostics, surgery and treatment. Unlike many other pet owners, however, she was able to breathe easy because she had the best pet insurance she could afford for Nigel. Soon after filing a claim, her pet insurance plan reimbursed her $2,735. 10. Otherwise it would have been a very hard pill for her to swallow. 2. Sheena, my lab became suddenly ill. A large bump was discovered in her chest. I scheduled an appointment with her vet. Unexpectedly, I had to leave the office without my angel because the vet informed me that she had a tumor that required immediate removal.
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The first time they played Cash WinFall, on August 29, Jerry and Marge ended up spending $120,000 on 60,000 lottery tickets. After that they increased their wager to 312,000 individual tickets per roll down, ultimately going as high as 360,000 ticketsa $720,000 bet on a single drawing. At first, Marge found these figures terrifyingit was more than they had ever risked in Michiganbut after a while she got used to it. You know, you think of this as money, Marge recalled, but pretty soon you never really look. Its just numbers. Its just numbers on a piece of paper. She grew friendly with other customers, chatting about her kids and the weather as if she had lived in Massachusetts all her life. Mardas came to think of her and Jerry as part of his family. Theyre salt of the earth kind of people, he said. Genuine. He was also amazed by their frugality.