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Like in Then and Now, it starts off simply discussing how when we are young, we can shoot baskets and drink soda, but when we age we cannot. But he goes deeper to suggest that as we age we tend to close ourselves off to new experiences and relationships, but also to even those relationships and experiences we already find ourselves in. You used to keep going. /Now you stop. //Were here for the moment. /No one knows/how long you stay open,/when you close.

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Continue reading to learn about the risks. Diet soda is popular among people in the health conscious crowd, who consume it as being a calorie free alternative to regular sodas. Though they might think theyre doing their bodies a favor by avoiding higher calorie drinks, dieters are in fact endangering themselves by drinking diet sodas, which are generally sweetened with aspartame, a deadly artificial sweetener. According to Janet Hull, author of a 2005 report published in Total Health, aspartame contains two proteins, that are bound together by methanol, a substance that stops working into formic acid and formaldehyde. Methanol is deleterious towards the human body; according to Hull, its carcinogenic and may result in neurotoxicity, birth defects, eye damage, and impaired DNA replication. Recent research has begun to explore the deadly results of aspartame, focusing on its role within the growth and development of cancer. A 2006 study conducted for publication in Environmental Health Perspectives found that aspartame consumption led to increases within the amounts of malignant tumors present in both men and women rats. Probably the most alarming finding in this study was that aspartame consumption led to malignant brain tumors in twelve rats, whereas none of the rats in the control group developed brain tumors. This carcinogenic effect may be due that aspartame breaks down into formaldehyde, a known carcinogen based on the International Agency for Research on Cancer. In 1980, a study published in Cancer Research established that formaldehyde was associated with nasal tumors in rats. Newer research, published inside a 2008 edition of the Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, found that individuals exposed to formaldehyde in a variety of indoor environments experienced cancer risks ten to one hundred times more than the acceptable chance of One in 1,000,000.
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Scrub your lips down with a soothing, moisturizing minty lip scrub. Large and tiny granules slough off the years worries, while essential oils leave your lips, smooth, fragrant and delicious. a. You finally get around to answering the call of twenty something hood and get a head start of those fine lines, sun damage and puffiness. b. Youll have post party eye relief when you get home thatll preserve your peepers for the next days festivities. Chill your cream in the fridge for a refreshing treat. When your nails resemble cherry candies, they provide the finishing touch of succulent party look and even do the flirting for you. Keep them short and semi squared so you can take them from day to night. Just dust it on your cheekbones, shoulders, cleavage and legs and youll be positively radiant when you do the party rounds. Bonus: youll glow in party pictures and youll have a tan enhancer when March rolls around.
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Every once in a while individuals will ask why we lower the ratios for Junior High Youth. Those with experience working with Junior High Youth can quickly list off the many reasons, including but not limited to:My final thought on the topic is a tip I provide in our Orientation and Refresher training on abuse prevention and protection. "If your ratios are over, it doesn't mean you should refuse to accommodate an additional child or young person or refuse to work and go on strike. However, if your ratios are more than 10% over on a daily or weekly basis, please bring this to the attention of your program leader. With continuity in staffing, your staff and volunteers will get know the children and young people in the classroom including their specific needs and disabilities, and behaviour. Based on this knowledge and experience, you may also need to ask for additional assistance. "With that all said, ratios are a big deal!2a Q: How do we work with our leadership if they do not feel the issue of abuse prevention is important or that we are blowing it out of proportion?A: Persistence and building awareness are your best vehicles for moving abuse prevention forward. We suggest that you present your recommendations to the Board as a whole rather than to individuals alone. Follow up your recommendations with written communication. Board members are often motivated by risk management and concerns regarding liability, however sometimes presenting it from a different angle will also be advantageous i. e.