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There is something just compelling about shooting the . 22. Its cheap, fun and easy to do. Here are some examples that correspond with the handguns in this article:The biggest market in the gun industry in the world is the . 22 LR Long Rifle market. This is the reason this article is so comprehensive it needs to be. The . 22 LR is a suitable cartridge for just about anything. You can even find, if you look hard enough, a story about some hunter who killed a ridiculously large animal like a moose, with a . 22 LR. Note: thats an irresponsible and dangerous and illegal use of a .

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Younger kids can team up and take turns rolling one number cube in an attempt to count up to a hundred while keeping track of their progress on a hundreds chart. Older students can practice addition and regrouping by rolling number cubes and using unit blocks to represent results. In the upper grades, they can play the game maybe only racing to 20 with fractions; to do this, they play with two different colored number cubes one color for the numerator, one for the denominator. They can also begin at a predetermined number amount, roll the number cubes, and subtract amounts rolled until they arrive at zero. You can also encourage kids to devise their own math cube games. So many possibilities!Every year, my students struggle with the concept of rounding off numbers, which makes estimating a solution to a problem extremely difficult. So, Ive created a Rounding Mountains activity that helps. I take oaktag and cut it into equal length strips, and then attach these together with brass fasteners. I then lay the strips out on the floor so they form a line of peaks and valleys resembling a two dimensional representation of a mountain range. I label each peak and valley so it represents rounding to the nearest ten or hundred with the tip of each peak labeled as the exact midway point between the two numbers at the feet of that mountain. I make many small copies of the rounding range for students to use at their seats, and I make a large copy to use at the front of the classroom.