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So youre wrong that it legally belongs to Thomas S. Monson hes just one officer in control of the corporate legal entity that owns all church stuff, but youre right that its ALL the Lords money. You just dont understand that there are a few meaningful differences. You write: Its appropriate to expect full disclosure so that the membership of the church can properly participate in the principle of common consent. I write: Well, you can make a defensible case for it, but I dont think its a good one. Most churches dont release their finances, and arent required by law to do so, and I suspect one good reason for that is the fact that SLAPP suits would be filed to the moon and back if all the nits could be picked about whats being spent where.
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People tend to think of the Orca as among the most violent and frightening sea animals. This is probably due to the fact that they are large and seem fearless in the water. Dolphins have a long gestation period when it comes to the birth cycle of their young. The female dolphin will be pregnant for twelve months after which time she will give birth to one baby dolphin, called a "calf". Most baby calves will weight about 30 to 40 pounds and will be approximately 30 inches long. The mother dolphin will nurse her calf for the first two years of its life. Even after they're weaned, the dolphin calf will swim and play with its mother for between five and seven years. During this time the young dolphin will learn how to find food and to interact socially with its relatives. Dolphins live and move around in groups known as "pod". The males stay detached and do not take any interest in parenting. It is the females who rear the siblings and do all the nursing.
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, Saunders Pullman, R. , Masuho, I. , Luciano, M. S. , Raymond, D. , Factor, S. , et al. 2013. Mutations in GNAL cause primary torsion dystonia. Nat. Genet.