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When they put on such dresses, they struggle to sit down, find difficulty in climbing machines, cross gutters as well as pick anything from the ground. Apart from the skimpy and tight fitting nature of these dresses, they are again transparent; revealing certain parts of the bodies that under normal dressing patterns ought to be hidden away from the glare of people. In the case of boys, their pattern of dress is different. It makes them to look so dirty and very unattractive with unkempt hairs and dirty jeans having pockets of holes deliberately created around the knees and the lower part of the trousers allowed to flow on the ground because they go through their heals into their legs as socks Omede, 2011. The waist of their trousers are lowered and fastened tightly at the middle of the two bottom lobes to reveal their boxers pants. And when they are walking, they drag their legs and one of their hands particularly, the left one, cupping their invisible as if they will fall to the ground if not supported. Many of them because of how they dressed had at one time or the other become victims of lured into prostitution, used for ritual purpose, unable to complete their education or training and also engaged in other ancillary social and moral problems like cultism and lying to mention these few. Although, there are no universally acceptable way or ways of dressing, dresses are meant to serve some definable purposes, country or region notwithstanding. They are part of a peoples culture and they define their tribal or ethnic identity Omede, 2011. Apart from dresses being a means for cultural identity, they are for ornamental or aesthetic purposes, for protection of the body against harsh weather conditions as well as for covering the intimate parts of the body Answer. com, 2011; andArticlesbase.

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Henry G. Thomas, commanding to follow pushing straightthrough the crater to secure Cemetery Hill. According to Trudeau the two brigades drilled with these intentions for nearlya month. Col. Thomas confirmed this, as did Col. Sigfried.
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This is definitely one of the challenges inherent in being a woman. In that sense, if one has a sudden party or event to go to, it can be challenging to execute an aesthetically pleasing hairstyle in just a few minutes. If the event is a sudden obligation, there isn't often time to wash, dry and style the hair. Thus, the ability to create a quick and elegant updo using just a few steps is definitely something which is an absolute must for all involved. In this case, the bouffant is an ideal hairstyle to know how to do: the bouffant boasts several steps which are not too simple and yet not too complex: furthermore, in an ideal fashion, there are Why are fat soluble drugs more suitable for this type of delivery than drugs that are soluble in water?Fat soluble drugs are more suitable for skin diffusion than soluble drugs because they tend to be hydrophobic compounds, which facilitates their diffusion across the lipid membrane of skin cells. Water soluble drugs are often hydrophilic and thus cannot easily diffuse through a hydrophobic milieu like the plasma membrane. 5. Which cutaneous glands are associated with hair follicles and what is their function?The sebaceous glands are associated with hair follicles and function to secrete sebum oil like composition into the follicular canal. Sebum helps to waterproof hair and skin, and it also serves to prevent cracking due to dehydration. 6. In which layers of the epidermis does cell division occur?Cell division occurs primarily in the stratum basale.